
The Five Mindfulness Trainings from Plum Village

🎉 前言:

Sisters and brothers in the community, this is the moment when we enjoy reciting the Five Mindfulness Trainings together. The Five Mindfulness Trainings represent the Buddhist vision for a global spirituality and ethic. They are a concrete expression of the Buddha’s teachings on the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, the path of right understanding and true love, leading to healing, transformation, and happiness for ourselves and for the world. To practice the Five Mindfulness Trainings is to cultivate the insight of interbeing, or Right View, which can remove all discrimination, intolerance, anger, fear, and despair. If we live according to the Five Mindfulness Trainings, we are already on the path of a bodhisattva. Knowing we are on that path, we are not lost in confusion about our life in the present or in fears about the future.

🎉 第一項正念修習:尊重生命 (Reverence for Life)
覺知到殺害生命所帶來的痛苦,培養相即的智慧和慈悲心,學習保護人、動物、 植物和礦物的生命。我選擇不殺生,不讓他人殺生,也不會在思想或生活方式上,支持世上任何殺生的行為。我知道暴力行為是由恐懼、貪婪和缺乏包容所引起,源自於二元思想和分別心。我願學習對於任何觀點、主張和見解,保持開放、不歧視和不執著的態度, 藉以轉化我內心和世界上的暴力、盲從和對教條的執著。
Aware of the suffering caused by the destruction of life, I am committed to cultivating the insight of interbeing and compassion and learning ways to protect the lives of people, animals, plants, and minerals. I am determined not to kill, not to let others kill, and not to support any act of killing in the world, in my thinking, or in my way of life, Seeing that harmful actions arise from anger, fear, greed, and intolerance, which in turn come from dualistic and discriminative thinking, I will cultivate openness, non-discrimination, and non-attachment to views in order to transform violence, fanaticism, and dogmatism in myself and in the world.

🎉 第二項正念修習:真正的幸福 (True Happiness)
Aware of the suffering caused by exploitation, social injustice, stealing, and oppression, I am committed to practicing generosity in my thinking, speaking, and acting. I am determined not to steal and not to possess anything that should belong to others; and I will share my time, energy, and material resources with those who are in need. I will practice looking deeply to see that the happiness and suffering of others are not separate from my own happiness and suffering; that true happiness is not possible without understanding and compassion; and that running after wealth, fame, power and sensual pleasures can bring much suffering and despair. I am aware that happiness depends on my mental attitude and not on external conditions, and that I can live happily in the present moment simply by remembering that I already havemore than enough conditions to be happy. I am committed to practicing Right Livelihood so that I can help reduce the suffering of living beings on Earth and reverse the process of global warming.

🎉 第三項正念修習:真愛 (True Love)
Aware of the suffering caused by sexual misconduct, I am committed to cultivating responsibility and learning ways to protect the safety and integrity of individuals, couples, families, and society. Knowing that sexual desire is not love, and that sexual activity motivated by craving always harms myself as well as others, I am determined not to engage in sexual relations without true love and a deep, long-term commitment made known to my family and friends. I will do everything in my power to protect children from sexual abuse and to prevent couples and families from being broken by sexual misconduct. Seeing that body and mind are one, I am committed to learning appropriate ways to take care of my sexual energy and cultivating loving kindness, compassion, joy and inclusiveness — which are the four basic elements of true love — for my greater happiness and the greater happiness of others. Practicing true love, we know that we will continue beautifully into the future.

🎉第四項正念修習:愛語和聆聽 (Loving Speech and Deep Listening)
Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful speech and the inability to listen to others, I am committed to cultivating loving speech and compassionate listening in order to relieve suffering and to promote reconciliation and peace in myself and among other people, ethnic and religious groups, and nations. Knowing that words can create happiness or suffering, I am committed to speaking truthfully using words that inspire confidence, joy, and hope. When anger is manifesting in me, I am determined not to speak. I will practice mindful breathing and walking in order to recognize and to look deeply into my anger. I know that the roots of anger can be found in my wrong perceptions and lack of understanding of the suffering in myself and in the other person. I will speak and listen in a way that can help myself and the other person to transform suffering and see the way out of difficult situations. I am determined not to spread news that I do not know to be certain and not to utter words that can cause division or discord. I will practice Right Diligence to nourish my capacity for understanding, love, joy, and inclusiveness, and gradually transform anger, violence, and fear that lie deep in my consciousness.

🎉 第五項正念修習:滋養和療癒 (Nourishment and Healing)
Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption, I am committed to cultivating good health, both physical and mental, for myself, my family, and my society by practicing mindful eating, drinking, and consuming. I will practice looking deeply into how I consume the Four Kinds of Nutriments, namely edible foods, sense impressions, volition, and consciousness. I am determined not to gamble, or to use alcohol, drugs, or any other products which contain toxins, such as certain websites, electronic games, TV programs, films, magazines, books, and conversations. I will practice coming back to the present moment to be in touch with the refreshing, healing and nourishing elements in me and around me, not letting regrets and sorrow drag me back into the past nor letting anxieties, fear, or craving pull me out of the present moment. I am determined not to try to cover up loneliness, anxiety, or other suffering by losing myself in consumption. I will contemplate interbeing and consume in a way that preserves peace, joy, and well — being in my body and consciousness, and in the collective body and consciousness of my family, my society and the Earth.

💗 My Viewpoints:
我個人覺得,這五項正念修習提供了具體方法,讓人們知道該如何落實在生活當中,取得身心平衡。一行禪師(Thich Nhat Hanh)用了許多淺顯易懂的方式、教導人們在生活中實踐佛法,屬於「入世佛教」(engaged Buddhism)。

所謂「正念」(mindfulness)不是正向心理學,不是要我們壓抑情緒、不要悲傷、多從正面的角度看世界。反之,一行禪師的佛學觀點表達: 要把昇起的念頭視作真實,但不要讓生命完全被這些念頭牽引至更苦痛的境地,不依賴事物的形相而歡欣或悲傷,不把事物視為恆常,而是要把事物視為變化的過程,靜觀一切隨形相而來的喜怒哀樂生起和熄滅,不讓自己深陷其中、被情感牽制而過活,從而轉化求而不得、愛而別離等痛苦。

從日常生活中的一舉一動、一呼一吸裡將自己帶導此時此刻(the here and the now),保持覺照,清清楚楚地覺察當下的存在狀態,吃飯的時候就是吃飯、走路時就是走路、洗碗就是洗碗。如此,我們才能真正好好地過生命的每一分鐘;如此,我們便能找到回家的路。


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